Stahl Gerlafingen AG, DYNARAIL with IDENT
2020 Dynamic weighing system, legal for trade class 0.5 with 16 Q measuring points, UIC wagon number recognition, inspection of the four wagon sides (left/right, bottom/top), SBB CIS Online connection and SAP connection. A freight wagon composition is automatically weighed, identified, the condition of all wagons recorded and booked with SAP.

Jura-Cement-Fabriken AG
2017 Dynamic weighing system, legal for trade class 1 with 8 Q measuring points and connection to SAP, for handling all freight traffic.
The JURA Materials Group comprises leading Swiss companies in the building materials industry; core competencies include cement production, gravel extraction, concrete production, recycling and waste disposal, as well as the combination of the various areas for individual solutions.
Eberhard Bau AG
Eberhard Bau AG is one of the largest service providers in Switzerland in the areas of civil engineering, demolition and construction recycling. The company uses DYNARAIL to determine the weight of the delivered building materials.
Eberhard Bau AG takes care of all construction services in the areas of civil engineering, demolition, remediation of contaminated sites, construction recycling, building materials and landfill. In a pioneering spirit, new process technologies and techniques are developed here on a mechanical level in order to constantly increase construction times and ecological as well as economic efficiency.
The built-in scale has been in use since 2010, equipped with RFID and calibrated every year to guarantee the precise weighing process.